IRT Saint-Exupéry & GDR SOC2 continue their cooperation with the organisation of their 3rd scientific day gathering industry and academia on critical embedded systems.

This year, the scientific day will be held in Paris, in partnership with the 2nd RISC-V Meetings and as part of the RISC-V Week. It will focus on the opportunities offered by RISC-V and open hardware solutions for critical embedded systems.

The day will include extensive presentations by guest speakers from academia and industry on the following topics:

  • Industrial needs and requirements
  • Hardware design
  • Design tools for critical systems

The full program is available on the dedicated website.


The registration is free but mandatory. Please consult the RISC-V week website for more details.

Please notice that there are two distincts registration: one for the 2nd RISC-V meetings, and one for the scientific day.

Organisation Commitee

The Organisation Committee comprises: Philippe Cuenot (IRT St-Exupéry, Continental), Sébastien Faucou (LS2N, Université de Nantes), Maxime Pelcat (IETR, INSA de Rennes).


The Organisation Committee from the Scientific Day of IRT Saint-Exupéry & GDR SOC2 can be reached at